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How To Fight ‘Unworthiness’
Unworthiness is one of the hardest feelings to cope with. It may seem that you are invisible and that no one around you tries to understand you. It is one of those feelings that almost all of us experience in our lives. But for some of us, the feeling is more permanent and is a direct consequence of the lifestyle that allows no respite. If you have ever known a person who truly feels unloved, you might understand the extent to which such people are damaged due to all the negativity surrounding them. The longer it stays, the more damage it does.
A part of the negativity is created by unrealistic expectations others have for us. We feel unworthy of someone’s love or attention just because we do not tick all the boxes in terms of someone’s expectations. Society expects too much out of us. Parents expect their children to do exceptionally well at their studies. Spouses expect each other to be emotionally and physically perfect. Bosses expect their subordinates to be exceptionally productive. The pressures of modern life can easily make anyone feel inadequate.
The feeling of unworthiness can leave a great void that may plunge us into lifelong emotional struggles. Holding on to such negativity can be very dangerous. The fact is that holding on to such a feeling changes nothing. It only takes a toll on the body and the mind. The more you believe that you are unworthy, the greater neglect you will inflict on your body and mind. Eventually, you might overlook potentially healthy relationships because of shame and guilt that get internalized after a certain point. Such a prolonged sense of shame and guilt could lead to medical and psychological damages. Everyone has to face rejection in some form at some point in their lives. It must not translate into the feeling of unworthiness because we must admit that the world isn’t fair: at times we do not get what we deserve, and in other times we get more than we ever deserved. We must train our minds to deal with negativity.
All of us have emotional vulnerabilities no matter how successful we are in terms of material success, popularity, or prestige. There always will be times when we would feel inadequate. When that happens, the first thing that we need to do is recognize the emotion and reckon its consequences to our peace of mind. The first step to tackling unworthiness is to acknowledge it. The acknowledgment will help you identify its causes. You may only try to escape prison after you recognize that you are bound within its walls. Once you know that you are trapped within the constraints of unworthiness, you will feel its powers diminish. All prison breaks are based on a plan. You need to prepare to get yourself out of the negativity caused by the feeling of unworthiness. You must figure out the steps needed to move on from the shadows of the past by doing something constructive. Being part of something positive will give you great self-confidence. The distractions will help you regain vigor and focus. Your plan should also involve your friends, family, or people who you can trust. Listen to everyone’s suggestions and think about what advice is good for you. Keep a journal to track your progress. Practice mindfulness. Note the instance when negativity applies a stronger force on your life. Try to reaffirm of your strengths and talents. When your plans help you attain positivity, share them with others. Emotional support always helps. Lend it
to others, when you are able to do so. You must intend to do your best and be proud of your effort, talents, and strengths. Show yourself how good you are by overcoming negativity and helping others cope with it.
Negativity doesn’t go away overnight. Be patient. It takes a considerable effort, time, and energy to move out of it. We all are good at something but when negativity takes over, it makes our talents rustic. It is important to value your gifts and fight hard to get them back. The struggle will be long and hard but while you are working on it, forgive yourself. It is important to forgive others but sometimes it is more important to forgive your own mistakes of the past. Let bygones be bygones restart your life with greater vigor. Never be afraid to ask for help. If you feel overly anxious or depressed, it may lead to severe consequences. Therefore, you must consult mental healthcare specialists when required. Always remember that human beings have a magnificent gift of getting out of challenges with renewed strength and experience. Sometimes we can do it entirely on our own but often we need help from others and we must not hesitate in asking for help. We must not hesitate in lending help, either.