Pseudoscience and Mental Healthcare Facilities in OC
The awareness about mental health issues is improving every day. So are the numbers of Mental Healthcare Facilities in OC. People generally feel more empathetic towards mental health patients. However, there are still plenty of places where non-evidence mental health treatments are used frequently. Psychologists often have to treat patients who had been a victim of pseudo-science in the past. Many patients report having used homeopathy, herbal medicines, energy healing, and other ways to retain mental health. Pseudoscience may involve ideas that sound workable and attractive but which make claims that are not supported by evidence.
Pseudoscience treatments may be advertised as ‘latest’ and ‘cutting-edge’ but they are not backed by research and are not supported by Mental Healthcare Facilities in Orange County or by the scientific community. The scientific approach seeks consistency in terms of evidence and results. Pseudoscience overlooks evidence, overcooks desired results, makes extremely bold claims, and propagates untestable theories. Lack of scholarly research is also a hallmark feature of pseudoscience. On the surface, it might not sound like a big deal because most of these therapies are known to be innocuous. That impression might not be so correct. Pseudoscientific therapies can be extremely harmful to a number of reasons. Therefore if you or your loved ones experience any mental healthcare issues, pay a visit to one of the several Mental Health Facilities in OC. The first and most important reason is that pseudoscientific therapies are potentially harmful. The techniques and beliefs surrounding some of these pseudoscientific therapies are dangerous. On April 18th, 2000, a ten-years-old Candace Elizabeth Newmaker was killed during a 70-minutes attachment therapy session in an attempt to overcome her reactive attachment disorder. She was wrapped from head to toe and surrounded by pillows and subjected to pain. The ghastly event left a deep impact on society but didn’t completely stop people from using pseudo-science. One important detail to note in the Newmaker case is that the session was supposed to cost $7000 which is much higher than most scientific-backed therapies available at Mental Health Facilities in OC. Pseudoscientific therapies can be expensive; since some of these therapies promise impossible feats, the therapists may ask a very steep financial price for treatment. The ‘cost’ doesn’t stop there. The real cost can be a further deterioration in the mental health condition and the time that proper Mental Health Facilities in OC could take to heal a patient. Pseudoscientific therapies may deter evidence-based treatment, hence making it difficult or impossible for patients to recover fully. The negative consequences of non-evidence based treatment can result in serious illness and even to death, in certain cases. Patients experiencing mental health disorders such as anxiety, depressive disorder, or additive disorder should spend their resources on acquiring the services of licensed Mental Health Facilities in OC. The licensed Mental Health Facilities in OC will not promise an over-night miracle but will certainly be more beneficial. For example, some people might suggest “natural remedies” for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder but the evidence-based recommended therapy for OCD is exposure and response prevention. There is plenty of research that backs the recommendation. Similarly, medication is known to be helpful for conditions such as schizophrenia. Diet Management will not solve the problem. Stimulation medication will slowly heal attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, not chiropractic. Cognitive-behavioral therapy will tackle depressive disorders, not Reiki. Prolonged exploration and cognitive processing therapy will effect Posttraumatic stress order, not Past life regression therapy. At times, getting the correct diagnosis can be difficult. People with OCS usually see three to four doctors over several years at Mental Health Facilities in OC before getting the correct diagnosis. However, once the condition is identified, there is a better chance of recovery. Since Pseudoscience promises magical recovery, it may feel like an instant solution to all the pain and misery the patient goes through.
A more insidious problem with pseudoscientific theories is that they can decrease the trust of people in Mental Health Facilities in OC. The treatment failures resulted by the use of pseudoscientific theories can result in despondency and lack of motivation. It is understandable to get discouraged when things are not working. The difference between science and pseudoscience can be fairly subtle. Mental healthcare patient deserves to be treated to the best available and best-researched treatment at Mental Health Facilities in OC. There are no reasons to doubt the intention of pseudoscientific practitioners—while their intentions might not be malicious, their ways are dangerous. In fact, pseudoscience sometimes comes from misguided hope. One must also admit that pseudoscientific treatment might initially show promise and symptom relief –however, the relief might be a direct consequence of placebo effects. For instance, relaxation training might bring general relief but it isn’t among the recommended therapeutic strategies. The real mental health professional has gone through the rigors of mastering their science and must be relied on. The bottom line is that one must persist with scientific, evidence-based methods, and enough trust in the system. It is imperative to be well-informed—about your symptoms and the treatments available for it. Learn whatever you may about your condition before paying to a licensed healthcare professional. One must also understand that most mental health conditions do not have a biological basis—they are rather deep-rooted in one’s experience.